Piano Lessons Are Coming Back!

September 27, 2008

Hi all you piano fans,

I am happy to inform you that I will be bringing back the piano lessons again for you. I know its been quite some time since I’ve wrote a new piano lesson, but we’ve been working so hard on The Piano Encyclopedia to get it up and running for you that we haven’t put together any new piano lessons recently.

Well, you will be glad to know its time for me to sit down and bring out all those piano lessons that just need to be learn’t by you. First things first, what songs do you want to learn? What bands? Come on give me some ideas. Switch things up.

I know Coldplay was a definite hit and they seemed to get a lot of traffic so I will gladly put more of these, maybe also some older bands. The possibilities are endless. I’d like to get some suggestions so I know I am satisfying all your expectations, since that is exactly what we are here for. You want to learn new songs on the piano and I want to help you learn them, so let me know what you want and I’ll get it.

Over the past six months you’ve seen a few posts in our piano section that have been great and now we feel it is time to begin teaching you guys again. You can never know too many songs especially when you enjoy entertaining and playing the piano while everyone sits around talking.

In the past we’ve done lessons for the more recent bands, but I am thinking maybe we should include a few classical lessons, and maybe some jazz songs. I have so many ideas brewing away in my head that I think its time I let them loose on the world.

I am more then excited to be back doing the piano lessons and hope to see you guys leaving me many suggestions.


Designing your own Business Card

May 17, 2007

Do you have a business card?! NO?!

Then you should :o) : and your card should be unique as the service or product you represent :o) .

These are some neat ideas for designing your new stylish card or replacing your old one, presented by our friend Ivan:

You want a new business card, don’t you? Of course. This is the most important element of your visual identity. It’s the first thing people see when they meet you.

Here is a collection of cool business cards to inspire you. Most of them are from the Business Cards flickr pool, some of them from Ads of the World.

Make your partner work for your contact details. Let them scratch.

Let them find your easier. Make a mini map.

Decorate your card with a bit of fluff.

Cute fold out. Brings back old childhood memories.

Make it look like the product you’re selling.

Ooops. It’s an impression from my notes.

Add a bit of class and expense. Have gilded edges.

Add teeth impressions if you’re a dentist. Thumb prints for a detective. You get the drift.

Spoof a famous logo.

Use shiny metal surface.

Write fun copy.

Pay extra for stylish embossing.

Use metallic ink and a metallic hole.

Teeth floss? Gross!

Combine different papers.

Stay minimal and positive.

Use a thread.

Make an 3D plastic card.

Come up with a fun die-cut.

Dog tag theme.

Cat tail theme.

Use office scrap.

Use fun typography.

Blind date theme.

Simply square with no ink.

Funky shape.

Interchangeable insert in a generic cover.

Free one way ticket to the moon.

Demonstrate your skill.

Forensic evidence?

Metal card. Doubles as a cake cutter.

Is this scratch and sniff or just generous use of white space.

Try the retro look.

Elegantly long and thin. Reminds me of a card I designed for a perfume shop that looked like a scent tester.

Transparent thin.

Transparent thick.

Camera obscura. In case the Nikon breaks it comes handy to get the job done.

Folded and playful.

Expandable rubber to test your strength. One more time. And, one more. One last time. Good job. Now, what was the number again?

Reuse old cards for a second hand shop.

Get rid of the evidence you ever met the headhunter.

Finally, clear message from a debt recovery agent. If you don’t pay I’ll break your bones. Here’s the x-ray of my last client broken finger as proof.

Tell us what you think of the designs!

I had a lot of fun looking at them!



How to learn Yoga online?

November 24, 2006

Hi there! This week I’m a little late but hey! I think the wait will pay off! Why is it that people do not tend to identify health care with education… Doesn’t our body need education as well????????????????

How many times have you signed up for a gym or a yoga lesson and found yourself not being able to keep up with it?????  Here’s my suggestion: get software!!!!!!!!!!!!!Nowadays there is much software for you to buy/download. This means that you can practice anytime you want anywhere you want.

Eka-Pada-Rajakapotasana (Single-Legged Pigeon) demonstrated at a Hindu temple.

So, what’s your excuse?

“I never have time”…well, now, you’ll have all the time you want ‘cause you’ll just have to login WHENEVER you feel like it.

“I don’t like to be seen in my sports outfit”… So, practice at home! Nobody’s watching

“Yoga is too expensive for me”…. Don’t worry; most of these sites are for free.

But, do you really know what yoga is about?

Yoga (Devanagari) is a family of ancient spiritual practices originating in India. It is one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy, in which it is often paired with Samkhya, and they are referred together as the Samkhya-Yoga school.

A large statue in Bangalore depicting Lord Shiva meditating.

Today in India and across the World, Yoga is a vibrant living tradition and is seen as a means to both physical health and spiritual mastery. Karma Yoga (yoga of Action), Jnana Yoga (yoga of Knowledge), Bhakti Yoga (yoga of Devotion), and Raja Yoga (yoga of Meditation) are considered the four main paths of Yoga.

Outside India, Yoga has become primarily associated with the practice of asanas (postures) of Hatha Yoga, a system of Yoga that developed from – and in order to prepare students for the practice of – Raja Yoga.Yoga as a means of spiritual attainment is central to Vedanta, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, and has influenced other religious and spiritual practices throughout the world. Hindu texts establishing the basis for yoga include the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and many others.

For more info on yoga, its origins and history, check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoga 

Have you tried it? Tell us about it 

Do you have any comments? Post them here…. 

Speak Spanish? Check Edutainment in Spanish

Stay tuned….for more…. 


Learn how to draw realistic eyes

November 21, 2006

Hi there!

I wanted to share with you one of the most amazing drawing tutorials I ever found on.
The following animation covers drawing, painting, and shading of an eye, in realistic drawing style, from scratch.

The credits go to the talented skilled artist xylael who has spent hours making this animation lesson for all of us:

Eye tutorial drawing lesson realistic manga

Even for manga lovers, this is a nice lesson to learn, as manga style is just a simplification and exageration of details portraid in realistic drawing style.

The artist has used Photoshop and Painter as his drawing and coloring software, in order to do this magnificient piece of art. To view more information about the author and the tutorial click here.

I am sure you enjoyed this lesson as much as I did.

Please leave us your comments and we would love to receive your eye drawings!.

