Edutainment in history

November 8, 2006

Again, our friend Marc Accetta helps us discover new aspects of edutainment… In this case, a little bit of history…

The Origins of Edutainment… The fact is, long before Mary Poppins began singing, a spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down; human cultures were combining education and entertainment to teach what mattered most. Myths have been used throughout the evolution of human culture to teach it’s members the rules of life and what is acceptable behavior within that culture. Parables have been used by prophets to illustrate religious and spiritual tenets, and Fables have been used to demonstrate human value and the validity of moral teachings. Today, edutainment is an effective way to sneak old-fashioned, unstructured children’s play under the noses of adults who may be only just beginning to understand its importance. Professional and non-professional adults alike are quick to jump on the personal development bandwagon in the hope of enriching the experience of life and increasing the opportunity for improving their level of personal achievement. Achievement in all areas of life… physical, emotional, mental, spiritual, social and financial!

What do you think? Can you find more examples of edutainment in history? E

I hope so!

for more…check out Marc Accetta’s blog

Stay tuned…