Piano Encyclopedia Lesson Report: Music Fundamentals Release Today!

October 6, 2008

Hi Everyone,

I’d like to tell you about Piano Encyclopedia’s upcoming release of the Piano Lesson Report I: Music Fundamentals on October 5th at 4pm EST. We’ve shown you videos on how to play certain songs throughout our blog and thought that the Piano Lesson Report could really help you out in actually understanding how to play those songs you love.

It can be difficult learning a song without actually knowing what the keys are called and how they should be played with a certain note, so Piano Lesson Report I: Music Fundamentals could help you understand how to play all those songs you love.

Let me show you some of the things that Piano Lesson Report I: Music Fundamentals includes so you can see what I mean when I say you could actually understand how to play the songs, instead of just knowing what key to push.

Get to know the fundamentals of composing, and improvising:
Discover how mastering scales, chords, and music intervals will take your piano skills to the next level.

Starting right at the beginning: chords, scales, and music intervals explained!

Discover how to use intervals to play any chord or scale type on ANY key, without having to memorize every single note.

Understand why chords sound like they do, find out the relationship between music intervals and the basic chord types.

Master the major and minor triad chords and learn to play them on any key- by using the music intervals.

Get a sneak peak into more complex Jazz and Blues chords and the role music intervals play here too.

Discover the relationship between Scales and intervals, and get a sneak peak into some interesting scales.

Learn what scales or chords are usually helpful in creating a sad, melancholic, romantic, happy or cheerful mood for a song – and understand why.

Get an introduction to all the fundamentals so you’re ready to get into composing and improvising.

We’ve included Tons of Piano Interval & Chord Charts full of graphics, so you can print them out and practice everything right in your piano

And more…

As you can see you will actually get an understanding of the chords, scales, and intervals which could really help you out in the end because every song is created by a chord and then a scale and then intervals.

Check out the following screenshots from the report:

Now if you’d like to get your hands on Piano Lesson Report I: Music Fundamentals but are worried that its going to cost you tons of money, don’t be. Piano Encyclopedia is actually releasing it with no price, meaning you won’t have to pay for a thing. You will get 55+ pages of unique content, over 100+ illustrations, and over 7 piano charts without having to pay a thing. Now if you were to go to a music store and look for the same thing you’d pay an arm and a leg for numerous books that are full of nothing but repeat content in each.

The release will be on October 5th at 4pm EST, but Piano Encyclopedia is actually offering bonuses for those that subscribe to receive Piano Lesson Report I: Music Fundamentals before 4pm EST. If you are interested just simply click on the following title and it will take you there to do so.

Reserve Your Very Own Piano Lesson Report I: Music Fundamentals Now

You can also look through Piano Encyclopedia’s blog for further information on Piano Lesson Report I: Music Fundamentals. They have been updating their blog constantly to give the viewers more information on the release and reminding everyone the amount of time they have left before people can no longer reserve their spot to receive Piano Lesson Report I: Music Fundamentals plus the bonuses. You can still reserve your spot after 4pm EST, but you won’t receive the bonuses that are being included for the people that reserve their copy before 4pm EST.

Piano Encyclopedia’s Blog

Hope that I’ve helped you out even further with learning how to play your piano. Feel free to leave feedback or questions on Piano Lesson Report I: Music Fundamentals. I’ll gladly answer all questions and feedback that you throw at me.


The New Piano Tutorial’s Section is Here! On Edutainment!!!

December 22, 2007

Piano PresentsHi everybody! 🙂

I have such good news for everyone! Specially for this Christmas eve and upcoming holidays! 🙂

We’re are building a completely FREE New Piano Tutorial’s Section so that you’ll be able to learn how to play your favorite songs!!!

Yes! But before I jump into details let me present you the new member of the Edutainment Team: Chrissi.

She is a pianist and musician and you’ll fall in love with the way she writes! 🙂

And here is some great news for you, Chrissi has prepared a very nice present for all of us.

She is going to teach us how play Christmas songs on piano -special for this Holidays!!! Videos included- so that you can learn all the chords and all those beautiful jingle-bell melodies just in your computer!!!

Yeah! And that’s just the beginning, in the following lessons past Christmas she is going to show us how to play all our favorite songs. And if that’s not enough, you’ll even be able to tell us all the songs you like so that we can add new tutorials!

Piano lessons cat

Trust me, the lessons are so great that even Panda (the cat) will learn how to play for real ;o)

However, enough of me talking and presenting the new section, let’s hear from Chrissi herself. She told she wanted to write something for all of you: 🙂

Hello Edutainment,

My name is Christine but you can call me Chrissi. I am pleased to be apart of the Edutainment team and hope to get a lot of feed back from you. I am a Mom of two children, a boy Owyn, and a girl Sophie. I love to write as you can tell with the amount of articles that I will be posting for you. I’ve written for many years and have made writing my career since I had my kids. Music is also one of my favourite things to do. I have the ability to play trombone, clarinet, bass guitar, piano, and of course the Guitar Hero guitar!

I’ve grown in Ontario, Canada and will probably never leave. I love snow too much to leave this beautiful country.

I can’t wait to get to know all you fellow fans of the Edutainment blog and if you ever want me to do an article on a musical group you love just let me know I’ll be more then pleased to please my fans.

Let’s all give a WARM WELCOME to CHRISSI to Edutainment!!!!!!!

We’ll keep posting about diverse topics, but…

If you want to link to new Piano Tutorials Section use this link:


Stay in touch and tell us what you think about this initiative!,




Current Piano Lessons / Tutorials’ Featured Artists:


Learn to Play Coldplay in Piano

February 10, 2007

So well, Coldplay is traveling around the world, and now it’s in Argentina (it’s a pity that I couldn’t get tickets yet since they are sold out!)

Those sweet melodies and harmonies, they transmit feelings that transport you to other worlds…

I bet I am not the only one who thinks like this, so here I am sharing with you, an excellent online lesson on how to play Clocks’ Coldplay on Piano! It’s explained really clear and it’s intresting to note how the genius composers of Coldplay use resources like mirror melodies and harmony, like we can find easily in Bach’s contrapunct, and in parts of musical pieces of almost all composers of music.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do:


From Argentina,


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