Looking for Challenges?

May 18, 2007

Innovate Business Plan ContestAre you looking forward to challenge yourself, innovate, create?!

I wanted to share with you a business and innovation contest that was recommended to me and caught my attention: Tendencias Digitales of Grupo Telefónica.

Like my friend Juan Carlos Lucas comments in his blog Espíritu Emprendedor, the program’s primary objective is to bring digital technologies closer to universities. It is conformed by three important initiatives:

  1. SEMINARS: Assist seminars on recent and upcoming technological trends; and learn from recognized speakers, prestige scholars around the world, specialized in technology and the entrepreneur world.

  2. INNOVATE: Become part of a flexible Project Contest targeted at students and graduates that can present both innovation projects or business plans.

  3. BECOME KNOWN: Your project will be read by a jury of experts, and your talent and effort will be recognized with prizes granted by Grupo Telefónica.


Innova Consulting

The community and the virtual environment were created by the Consulting Agency Innova Consulting, directed by my ex-teacher of Training for Entrepreneurs from Buenos Aires Institute of Technology, Dr. Juan Carlos Lucas; consultant and coach of business organizations, expert in everything related to Web 2.0 and technological innovations.

Tendencias Digitales includes a blog as an identity creating space and a closed learning community of collaborative work for the members of the contest. The last one becomes a very convenient way for interaction among other colleagues, tutors, and consultants in a fast and effective way.

From my point of view, this contest resembles an opportunity to learn new and exciting knowledge -related to new technological trends and emerging business models- and represents a great opportunity to meet people and establish new contacts.

If you are interested in becoming part of this contest or finding out some more information, check out: Project Contest.


I must warn you that one of the requirements is that you must know Spanish fluently to enter the contest.

I would love to receive your comments!


Rodrigo Schejtman

You know Spanish!? Check out Edutainment in Spanish

Designing your own Business Card

May 17, 2007

Do you have a business card?! NO?!

Then you should :o) : and your card should be unique as the service or product you represent :o) .

These are some neat ideas for designing your new stylish card or replacing your old one, presented by our friend Ivan:

You want a new business card, don’t you? Of course. This is the most important element of your visual identity. It’s the first thing people see when they meet you.

Here is a collection of cool business cards to inspire you. Most of them are from the Business Cards flickr pool, some of them from Ads of the World.

Make your partner work for your contact details. Let them scratch.

Let them find your easier. Make a mini map.

Decorate your card with a bit of fluff.

Cute fold out. Brings back old childhood memories.

Make it look like the product you’re selling.

Ooops. It’s an impression from my notes.

Add a bit of class and expense. Have gilded edges.

Add teeth impressions if you’re a dentist. Thumb prints for a detective. You get the drift.

Spoof a famous logo.

Use shiny metal surface.

Write fun copy.

Pay extra for stylish embossing.

Use metallic ink and a metallic hole.

Teeth floss? Gross!

Combine different papers.

Stay minimal and positive.

Use a thread.

Make an 3D plastic card.

Come up with a fun die-cut.

Dog tag theme.

Cat tail theme.

Use office scrap.

Use fun typography.

Blind date theme.

Simply square with no ink.

Funky shape.

Interchangeable insert in a generic cover.

Free one way ticket to the moon.

Demonstrate your skill.

Forensic evidence?

Metal card. Doubles as a cake cutter.

Is this scratch and sniff or just generous use of white space.

Try the retro look.

Elegantly long and thin. Reminds me of a card I designed for a perfume shop that looked like a scent tester.

Transparent thin.

Transparent thick.

Camera obscura. In case the Nikon breaks it comes handy to get the job done.

Folded and playful.

Expandable rubber to test your strength. One more time. And, one more. One last time. Good job. Now, what was the number again?

Reuse old cards for a second hand shop.

Get rid of the evidence you ever met the headhunter.

Finally, clear message from a debt recovery agent. If you don’t pay I’ll break your bones. Here’s the x-ray of my last client broken finger as proof.

Tell us what you think of the designs!

I had a lot of fun looking at them!

