Drawing a Proportional Face – Front View

November 30, 2006

Anime Manga face proportions realisticHi there again!

Today we are going to study how to draw a proportional face. Before you start drawing, it’s important to do a sketch of what the proportions of your drawing are going to be. And by this I don’t mean just how big or small, but to locate and sketch the correct size of a head, and then place a line, or circles, where the eyes, mouth, nose, and ears are going to be.

Our friend sanguigna begins his example of how to draw a proportional face by first drawing a triangle that meets the eyes and the chin of our character. After that, you should mark some references of where the nose, ears, and hair line is going to be.

Remember, always start by sketching correct proportions, as this is the key for having a well-done drawing. The good thing is that if you fail in drawing the correct proportions, you can just erase them with pencil (as they are just sketches), and then redo them without any major loss. In contrary, if you have made half your drawing with all details, eyelashes, shadows, and you realize that the face shape looks akward when you begin drawing your nose… well … time to start again and throw away all work done.

For many (my case too), drawing correct outlines of proportions will imply drawing many incorrect lines and will result in a scratched and erased ugly piece of paper. In my case, I sketch the outlines of the right proportions, and once I get it rigth, I copy the outlines to another piece of paper by putting one paper over another. A good idea is to use a glass transparent table, and place a lamp below the table. The papers will become translucent and help you copy the outlines easier. After that, you can begin drawing the details such as shadows, eyelashes, hair strands, etc.

In the following example, apart from learning how to make the correct proportions by the aid of the triangle, I recommend that you also press attention to the shadowing of the lips and drawing of the hair strands as it’s really well done.
Please note that the following drawing is done by a front view, and that proportions change depending the view. 3/4 view is a little more complicated so front view would be a great start. Our friend draws in more realistic style, but as said in the other tutorials, same rules apply for manga and anime style, where traits are more exaggerated.

I hope you enjoyed this tutorial!
Please leave me your comments!


P.S: If there is any topic you would like me to expose please tell me and I will see what can I do! 🙂

Wanna learn languages? Go online!

November 25, 2006

Have you ever wanted to learn languages but never found the time nor the right place to do it? Well, here’s your shot!  

All you have to do is get your I-pod, download all the foreign music you like and download the lyrics of the songs you’re listening to. That’s how, experts say, you’ll easily learn and enjoy at the same time! There’s no need for teachers, books or tests! You’ll find yourself speaking different languages in no time!   However, if you like a more traditional approach, you’ll find many interactive programs online to help you. Some of which are: 

1)    Practice English online! (http://www.1-language.com/ ). In this page you’ll find different tools for learning such as flash games, grammar quizzes and more. You can also get info for studying abroad and (here’s the best part) there are also other languages available such as Italian, Spanish and more!  

Roaring tiger killing a crocodile, photo from: Jardin des Tuileries, Paris

2)    Learn French online! (http://www.frenchassistant.com/default.asp). Here, you’ll get practice online French language lessons and question generator. And it’s free!!  

International penpals free and online

3)    Learn German online! (http://www.deutsch-lernen.com/). You’ll find 10 German lessons for total beginners and 24 German grammar lessons for advanced learners are complemented by numerous interactive German exercises, an introduction to new German orthography and 2 online German tests to improve and to evaluate your German proficiency. You’ll be able to study tips, famous quotations, an online dictionary to translate German terms into over 70 languages and international pen pals!!! 

4)    Learn Italian Online! (http://www.iluss.it/). Wanna test your Italian language level, learn Italian with our online courses, build your Italian language vocabulary, listen to Italian texts and dialogues, read Italian short stories, learn Italian verbs? Here’s the right place!   So, once you make up your mind, tell us about it!Any comments? Suggestions? Leave them here!!!!

Already speak Spanish, check Edutainment in Spanish 

Stay tuned…


How to learn Yoga online?

November 24, 2006

Hi there! This week I’m a little late but hey! I think the wait will pay off! Why is it that people do not tend to identify health care with education… Doesn’t our body need education as well????????????????

How many times have you signed up for a gym or a yoga lesson and found yourself not being able to keep up with it?????  Here’s my suggestion: get software!!!!!!!!!!!!!Nowadays there is much software for you to buy/download. This means that you can practice anytime you want anywhere you want.

Eka-Pada-Rajakapotasana (Single-Legged Pigeon) demonstrated at a Hindu temple.

So, what’s your excuse?

“I never have time”…well, now, you’ll have all the time you want ‘cause you’ll just have to login WHENEVER you feel like it.

“I don’t like to be seen in my sports outfit”… So, practice at home! Nobody’s watching

“Yoga is too expensive for me”…. Don’t worry; most of these sites are for free.

But, do you really know what yoga is about?

Yoga (Devanagari) is a family of ancient spiritual practices originating in India. It is one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy, in which it is often paired with Samkhya, and they are referred together as the Samkhya-Yoga school.

A large statue in Bangalore depicting Lord Shiva meditating.

Today in India and across the World, Yoga is a vibrant living tradition and is seen as a means to both physical health and spiritual mastery. Karma Yoga (yoga of Action), Jnana Yoga (yoga of Knowledge), Bhakti Yoga (yoga of Devotion), and Raja Yoga (yoga of Meditation) are considered the four main paths of Yoga.

Outside India, Yoga has become primarily associated with the practice of asanas (postures) of Hatha Yoga, a system of Yoga that developed from – and in order to prepare students for the practice of – Raja Yoga.Yoga as a means of spiritual attainment is central to Vedanta, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, and has influenced other religious and spiritual practices throughout the world. Hindu texts establishing the basis for yoga include the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and many others.

For more info on yoga, its origins and history, check http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yoga 

Have you tried it? Tell us about it 

Do you have any comments? Post them here…. 

Speak Spanish? Check Edutainment in Spanish

Stay tuned….for more…. 


The right way for learning Japanese!

November 23, 2006

Hi there!

I just discovered another amazing site, this time about the japanese language.  I have been always interested in oriental stuff, such as martial arts, manga, anime, and all that cool stuff that this guys have. Not even talk about japanese katanas (swords). However as an anime fan, I am still reading the subtitles in english of my japanese animes.

I read somewhere that japanese was much easier than chinese, since it has less verbs conjugations and a simpler structure. So that gave me some hope…

I began reading some tutorials then, but I then realized that I hadn’t a clue of how to pronounce the words (or neither how they sounded), so it wasn’t actually really useful.

I now discovered Japanese Lessons Blog that seems to be pretty cool:

JapanesePod101.com is an innovative and revolutionary approach to mastering the Japanese language at your own pace – take the classroom with you, and spend as much time as you need on each lesson! Today’s lesson is designed to give you a taste of our Beginner Lessons series, which will introduce you to the language and progressively build your grammar and vocabulary until you’re ready to move on to the Intermediate Lessons. In this lesson, we work on introductions so that you can start using your newly aquired Japanese skills immediately! After listening, stop by JapanesePod101.com for more materials, and be sure to leave us a post!

However the best part are not the articles, but actually the material: it has sound recordings of japanese lessons in order to help you learn how to pronounce the words! Often, each article has a sound attachment, but there is also a category where one can view just the listening lessons

Aki is the principal voice of the recordings and she seems very cute! 😉 Check it out!
The best is that it contains multiple  levels for newbies, begginers, intermidiates, and even a survival-phrases-kit in case you are going to Japan.

In case you don’t like this blog, there are also software in the market that can help you learn.
A good choice seems Learn to Speak Japanese that can be downloaded as a free trial by clicking here.

Learn To Speak Japanese (the Roman character version) is specially developed for people who are learning a new language. It includes 245 scenes of common conversation and 850 words of basic vocabulary. It is presented in a small screen format so you can study while doing other work at your computer. This software will make every second of your time useful.

Even more there are Audio courses that be purchased on CD-Rom like Talk Now!
We recommend Talk Now! for any  language beginner who wants an entertaining self-study course to learn basic phrases, colors, numbers, food, shopping, time, countries, etc.    Talk Now! is designed for people who want to learn a language quickly. It’s fun, fast, and makes learning easy. If you don’t have time to become fluent, but need the basics in a hurry, then Talk Now! is for you.  

Please tell us about your experiences,



Learn how to draw realistic eyes

November 21, 2006

Hi there!

I wanted to share with you one of the most amazing drawing tutorials I ever found on.
The following animation covers drawing, painting, and shading of an eye, in realistic drawing style, from scratch.

The credits go to the talented skilled artist xylael who has spent hours making this animation lesson for all of us:

Eye tutorial drawing lesson realistic manga

Even for manga lovers, this is a nice lesson to learn, as manga style is just a simplification and exageration of details portraid in realistic drawing style.

The artist has used Photoshop and Painter as his drawing and coloring software, in order to do this magnificient piece of art. To view more information about the author and the tutorial click here.

I am sure you enjoyed this lesson as much as I did.

Please leave us your comments and we would love to receive your eye drawings!.

