How to learn Yoga online?

November 24, 2006

Hi there! This week I’m a little late but hey! I think the wait will pay off! Why is it that people do not tend to identify health care with education… Doesn’t our body need education as well????????????????

How many times have you signed up for a gym or a yoga lesson and found yourself not being able to keep up with it?????  Here’s my suggestion: get software!!!!!!!!!!!!!Nowadays there is much software for you to buy/download. This means that you can practice anytime you want anywhere you want.

Eka-Pada-Rajakapotasana (Single-Legged Pigeon) demonstrated at a Hindu temple.

So, what’s your excuse?

“I never have time”…well, now, you’ll have all the time you want ‘cause you’ll just have to login WHENEVER you feel like it.

“I don’t like to be seen in my sports outfit”… So, practice at home! Nobody’s watching

“Yoga is too expensive for me”…. Don’t worry; most of these sites are for free.

But, do you really know what yoga is about?

Yoga (Devanagari) is a family of ancient spiritual practices originating in India. It is one of the six schools of Hindu philosophy, in which it is often paired with Samkhya, and they are referred together as the Samkhya-Yoga school.

A large statue in Bangalore depicting Lord Shiva meditating.

Today in India and across the World, Yoga is a vibrant living tradition and is seen as a means to both physical health and spiritual mastery. Karma Yoga (yoga of Action), Jnana Yoga (yoga of Knowledge), Bhakti Yoga (yoga of Devotion), and Raja Yoga (yoga of Meditation) are considered the four main paths of Yoga.

Outside India, Yoga has become primarily associated with the practice of asanas (postures) of Hatha Yoga, a system of Yoga that developed from – and in order to prepare students for the practice of – Raja Yoga.Yoga as a means of spiritual attainment is central to Vedanta, Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, and has influenced other religious and spiritual practices throughout the world. Hindu texts establishing the basis for yoga include the Upanishads, the Bhagavad Gita, the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, the Hatha Yoga Pradipika and many others.

For more info on yoga, its origins and history, check 

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