I Am Me…;)

November 30, 2008

Hi everyone! 🙂

I am glad to announce that Sheena has joined Edutainment, so from now on you’ll be enjoying great piano lessons from both Chrissi, Sheena, and myself.

Sheena is a total piano lover and she’s ready to join in the fun.
But before me telling you more about her, why not have her speak by herself: ;o)

Hello piano novices,My name is Sheena, and I will be contributing to the Piano Video Tutorial column. There are two things I can’t stand:

1. Blindly trying to figure out which key strokes on a black and ivory will make the sounds of my favorite songs and 2. Finding time between my morning hours of nothing and my late day nap to search the net for tutorial videos…

My newest endeavor is to continue what this site has started: providing various video tutorials of classic and modern songs played on piano by unknown avid pianists and by the original bands. Music to my ears, right? Look out for new piano tutorials coming to your computer soon. Ciao!

xoxo Sheena

Start casting your vote!
Tell Sheena and me what you’d like to learn next!

You may also propose us songs not listed in there by writing the song you want to learn next in the “other” field:

